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Monday, September 16, 2013

Peachy and I Again

Another picture of Peachy and I. :) This is one of my favorite pictures. :)) Just a short story, when were about to leave the factory, Peachy was very lonely. I can see in her eyes that she doesn't want us to go. Maybe nobody is talking to her there that's why. Still, up to now, while I am typing this, the scene of that day is very vivid here in my head. T-T

Peachy And I

I held Peachy's neck because she didn't want to look in the camera. Haha. She is not used to flashes like Chara and Pretzel. And I think, we haven't seen each other for almost half a year, but she didn't bark at me when I went to the factory to visit Chara, her puppies, Pretzel and of course Peachy. She just stayed there wagging her tail. She looks older when I last saw her but I still love her. :)